Lensational's first photo book champions women's perspectives on the environment / by Nuku Studio

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“Our Shared Forest” is Lensational’s first Photo Book shedding light on women’s untold stories surrounding nature, environmental degradation and climate change. It features the work of 27 women photographers from Ghana, Nigeria, Kenya, and China. These women photographers stand at the forefront of environmental issues today, however, their imagery is rarely seen, and their perspectives are rarely heard.

Together, the photographers unveil women’s unique role as stewards of our natural resources, and celebrate female heroes, who are already reinventing traditional roles and using their position to drive change.  

'Through the power of their images, the women in this book are granting us a glimpse into their daily lives and hearts. A deeper connection and understanding of what water and food scarcity, waste and pollution mean for those who live on the frontlines, with no buffer between their basic needs and environmental degradation.'  Nicole Schwab, Director of International Relations, Last Wild Places, National Geographic Society and author of the preface of Our Shared Forest. 

The photo book can be pre-ordered and supported on KickStarter until 22 May.

Nuku Studio collaborated with Lensational last year, and included its exhibition “Women and Work” into the programme of the first Nuku Photo Festival, and co-organised a gathering dedicated to the work of women photographers.